Workshop Roboterkontrollarchitekturen

December 9-10, 2019

Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany



Following on from the successful previous workshops, this time the aim of the workshop is to structure "robot control architectures" in clusters and to produce a map. For this purpose, relevant axes should be identified that allow clustering. Relevant aspects are the different vertical levels of abstraction of robot control architectures and their connections, the transition from the discrete event to the continuous world and back again. The horizontal interactions between robot control architectures, resource management at the various levels of abstraction and guarantees, the location of safety, etc. In other words, are there differences between robot control architectures for mobility, manipulation, and what about mobile manipulation? What are these based on?
The goal is to identify the big open challenges in robot control architectures and to put them in relation to the current state of the art. The result should be a prioritized list of interesting, open topics suitable for future research.


Addressed participants

Scientists who research in the field of robotics and develop robot systems. In addition to group leaders, in particular, academic staff should also be involved as both participants and presenters.


For further information, please contact us under:


Prof. Dr. Karsten Berns

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Postfach 3049
DE-67653 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 631 205 - 2613

Fax.: +49 631 205 - 2640
