M. Sc. Qi Li


Room 48-352

Tel.: +49 631 205 3588

e-Mail: qili(at)rptu.de


Qi Li graduated from Chinese University of Earth Science (Wuhan) with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. After 5 years as a mechanical engineer, he studied mechanical engineering with applied computer science (specializing in robotics) at RPTU (Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau) as part of his master's degree. He finished his master thesis titled "Off-Road Driving Strategies based on Enviromental Data and Object Tracking for Tandem Rollers".

Since September 2023, he is a PhD student in AG Robotics Systems. His research focuses on robotic arm control.




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  • Distributed Trajectory Planning in a Soil Compaction Scenario.
    Qi Li